Saturday, March 7, 2009

Panic in the Hall of Mirrors

I'm not doing so well right now. This is the best description I can think of right now to describe how I'm feeling: imagine being stuck in a Hall of Mirrors like at a carnival. Now panic and try to find the way out, running this way and that, all the while finding nothing but more mirrors showing your terror. That's how I feel on the inside; running around getting nowhere and screaming silently on the inside.

It's not a fun feeling.

Not to mention my blood sugar is 404. That's way super high for a diabetic. If I were to follow doctors' advice, I'd be on my way to the ER right now. But I'm not going unless it hits over maybe 450 or 500. That's scary high. Not to mention my father in law's death by sudden cardiac arrest was ruled in direct consequence of poorly controlled very high blood sugar. High like mine has been high. Well, that's enough to scare the crap out of me.

I'm going to take some anti-anxiety medicine and see how I do over the next hour.

OH! And let's not forget about the stupid time change! That's going to mess me up so badly. It always takes me months to adjust to the change. Then by the time I'm used to it, it changes back. Drives me crazy.

Sorry, I'm just ranting. I'll go for now and try to relax.


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